THE PASSION OF OUR DIVINE LORD. This month of the Passion imposes on all of us the solemn obligation of seriously reflecting on Our Lady's plea at Fatima for Amendment of Life – She warned: "Men must cease offending God, Who is already too much offended." St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori relates:

"...Our Lord revealed to several holy women – to St. Gertrude, St. Bridget, St. Mechtilde, and St. Catherine of Siena – that they who meditate on His Passion are very dear to Him. According to St. Francis de Sales, the Passion of Our Redeemer should be the ordinary subject of meditation for every Christian. Oh, what an excellent book is the Passion of Jesus! There we understand, better than in any other book, the malice of sin, and also the mercy and love of God for man. Does it not seem that Jesus Christ suffered so many different pains – the scourging, the crowning with thorns, the crucifixion, etc. – so that, having before our eyes so many painful mysteries, we might have a variety of different subjects for meditation in His Passion, by which we might excite sentiments of gratitude and love? St. Augustine writes that 'there is no more profitable occupation for the soul than to meditate daily on the Passion of Our Lord'."

If we are lacking confidence, gratitude, devotion and fidelity to grace, the solution is the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. All we need do is imitate St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Virgin, St. Konrad and many other Saints, who lived the words: "The Cross is my book." Mater Dolorosa, ora pro nobis!

SAINT JOSEPH. On October 13th, St. Joseph also appeared at Fatima in a tableau representing the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. St. Joseph is uniquely powerful in his ability to intercede for us before the Throne of God. He is the perfect model for Fatima apostles determined to overcome the cancerous spirit of selfishness by the faithful and selfless fulfillment of daily duty. He has also been named and confirmed by several Popes as the Patron of the Universal Church, which is now in mortal combat with the countless enemies of Christ. We turn to St. Joseph as we witness the all but universal spread of self-absorbed Indifferentism, godless Materialism, proud Rationalism, and slothful Indifferentism. He is our powerful Patron in the battle against these global terrors, these insidious foes, these condemned heresies. May he protect the Universal Church and Her faithful children from diabolical harm to body or soul.


OPENING PRAYERS: * Come Holy Ghost * The Rosary with meditation on each mystery

* The Litany of Our Lady of Loreto * Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

* Prayer to St. Joseph after the Rosary * Lenten Hymn

* Prayer to Our Sorrowful Mother

MEDITATION: * from "My Imitation of Christ"; or The Glories of Mary on the Immaculate Conception.

STUDY & DISCUSS: * Officer's reports; Cell Memos; reading of the Salve Maria Regina Bulletin or Unless Ye Do Penance.


First Meeting:

  1. THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the article: The Second Sunday of Lent (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
  2. MARY IN DOCTRINE AND DEVOTION: Review the history and foundation of the Shrine of Notre-Dame du Cap in Canada (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
  3. COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Reflect on two or three saints from the following: St. Thomas Aquinas; St. Frances of Rome; St. Gregory the Great (10 min. report and reflection). Reference: See links above.

Second Meeting:

  1. THE LITURGICAL YEAR: Discuss the articles on the Third Sunday of Lent and the Feast of St. Joseph (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
  2. ST. JOSEPH appeared at Fatima with Our Lady and the Christ Child on October 13th during the Miracle of the Sun, thus reminding the faithful of the importance of devotion to this glorious Patriarch. Review any of the articles on St. Joseph: (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: St. Joseph is the Special Patron of the Dying; Taking St. Joseph as a Special Patron; Stairs of St. Joseph; Devotion to St. Joseph; The Power of St. Joseph.
  3. COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Reflect on two or three saints from the following: St. Heribert of Cologne; St. Patrick, the Apostle of Ireland; St. Cyril of Jerusalem (10 min. report and reflection). Reference: See links above.

Third Meeting:

  1. THE LITURGICAL YEAR: Discuss the articles on Laetare Sunday and the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See links above.
  2. THE LIFE OF MARY IN THE GOSPELS: Review Part XII – Mary at the Foot of the Cross (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
  3. COURT OF OUR HEAVENLY QUEEN: Reflect on two or three saints from the following: St. Gabriel the Archangel; St. Rupert; St. John Damascene; St. John Capistrano (10 min. report and reflection). Reference: See links above.

Fourth Meeting:

  1. THE TRADITIONAL CATHOLIC LITURGY: Review the article on Passion Sunday (10 min. report; 5 min. discussion). Reference: See link above.
  2. MATER DOLOROSA: In light of Passion Week, review the last Four Sorrows of Our Lady. (10 min. report; 10 min. discussion). Reference: Excerpts from The Glories of Mary on Our Lady's Sorrows.
  3. PASSIONTIDE AND HOLY WEEK: Review the article on Passiontide and Holy Week (10 min. report and reflection). Reference: See link above.

CLOSING PRAYERS: Prayer to Our Lord on the Cross ... Litany of St. Joseph ... The Fatima Prayers ... Hymn to St. Joseph

LEAFLETS OF THE MONTH: New Hope ... Unless Ye Do Penance


* Turn off the tech-distractions and spend that time in spiritual reading and meditation.

* Make an act of compassion for Our Sorrowful Mother and Queen at every hour.

* To promote the Message of Fatima ... * Sanctification of self, family, neighbor

* Conversion of sinners, salvation of souls ... * Adoration, reparation, total consecration

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